Symptoms when sweating while sleeping

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Normally, our bodies sweat, which is a mechanism by the body’s internal system. Helps cool the body. Sleep sweating is a symptom in both men and women. It can be caused by both personal behavior and abnormal physical conditions.

Personal behaviors that are at risk of causing sleep sweating start from sleeping without showering and wearing clothes that are too thick when sleeping, drinking coffee, alcoholic beverages or using various drugs, including stress. Because when we are very stressed, the body will stimulate the apocrine glands, causing more sweat in the neck, โปรโมชั่นพิเศษจาก UFABET สมัครตอนนี้ รับโบนัสทันที, armpits, folds, and crotch than usual.

Night sweats are usually a common symptom when sleeping in a place with a high temperature or wearing thick pajamas or too many layers of clothing. However, in some cases, night sweats can be a sign of various diseases, which may have associated symptoms, such as:

  • Women may experience vaginal dryness, hot flashes during the day, or mood swings.
  • Have a cough
  • Have a fever and feel chills
  • There is pain throughout the body where the painful area can be clearly identifi.
  • Having diarrhea problems
  • Excessive sweating during the day
  • Unexplained weight loss

As for the occurrence of sweating while sleeping due to abnormalities of the body, it can occur from various abnormalities, including conditions when a woman enters menopause or menopause, low blood sugar because when blood sugar levels are low, the body can sweat abnormally, infections in the body, and abnormalities of the nervous system.

Night sweats that are not cause by a disease may only cause discomfort or disturb sleep, but are not harmful to the body. If the symptoms are cause by an underlying disease or abnormal condition and left untreated, it may lead to complications. For example, tuberculosis can cause lung problems or spread bacteria in the body. Therefore, you should see a doctor to diagnose the cause and receive proper treatment.